Toby Tomlinson Baker, Ph.D.

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Toby Tomlinson Baker has earned her Ph.D. at Pepperdine University is an adjunct professor at California State University-Los Angeles (CSULA) and is a licensed special education consultant. She is a disability pioneer who initiated having Individualized Education during college with her #1 bestseller, The Traveling IEP!

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#1 Bestseller, The Traveling IEP!

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In March, Toby presented her research to Michael Gamel-McCormick in Washington, who drafted the original RISE Act 6 years ago!

Dr. Baker is an outspoken political activist who has presented her research to members of Congress, the White House, and the Department of Education.

In March, Toby presented The Traveling IEP to Senator Bob Casey, who introduced the RISE Act!

Dr. Baker has published several Op-Eds on national policy topics, in publications such as LDA Today, Exceptional Needs Today, and PennLive.

In July 2022, Dr. Baker was honored to share her story with the Award-winning magazine Exceptional Needs Today.

Exceptional Needs Today, July 2022

Baker, T. T. (2020 June 23). Concerns of Students with Disabilities Receiving Services and Accommodations in Online Platforms During Covid-19. [Webinar]. Pellissippi State Community College. 

Media Coverage of Research 

Baker, T. T. (2022, July 1). Featured Cover Issue: Changing Factors that Inhibit and Restrict Postsecondary Students with Disabilities. Exceptional Needs Today, Issue 9. 

Baker, T. T. (2022, February 9). The Voice: The Value of Educators with Disabilities. California Teachers Association.

Baker, T. T. (2022, February). Strategies to Improve Teaching Students with Speech and Language Impairments During a Mask Mandate.

Baker, T. T. (2021 November). Why College Students with Disabilities Need to Connect with Faculty. Exceptional Needs Today, Issue 6.

Baker, T. T. (2021 August 6). Senator Casey is Right: Congress Needs to Help College Students with Disabilities. PennLive; Harrisburg Patriot News.

Baker, T.T. (2021 July 28). What Teachers can Do to Support Writers with Learning Disabilities. LDA Today.

Baker, T.T.  (2021 June 26). Getting to Know the STEM Media Makers and Global Change Makers at IC4! Scientific Teen.

Baker, T.T.  (2021 May 19). Here’s How to Help College Students with Disabilities. PennLive; Harrisburg Patriot News.

Baker, T. T. (2021 May). The Vanishing IEP. Exceptional Needs Today, Issue 2.

Baker, T.T. (2020, October 14). Self-Advocacy and Success for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities. LDA Today.

Baker, T.T. (2020 August, 25). Not-So-Distant Learning, Bringing Students Together, Even When Apart. Newsroom, Pepperdine University.

Baker, T.T.  (2020 July 7). Not-So-Distant Learning, Bringing Students Together, Even When Apart. PennLive; Harrisburg Patriot News.

 Baker, T. T. (2020 February 24). Former Student Received Harrison Sylvester  

 Award. DVFS Website. Posted 02/24/2020 03:16PM

Baker, T. T. (2020 January 20). Self-Advocacy and Success for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities. Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA).

Baker, T. T. (2019 July 17). Congress must pass new laws to ensure students with learning disabilities get support in college.

Baker, T. T. (2018, October 25). CHADD 2018 Educator of the Year. Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology: Digital Marketing.  

Baker T.T. (2018 June). China and the Missing Students with Special Needs. West Chester Daily Local News.

Baker T. T. (2007 June). Vicarious Disability. West Chester Daily Local News.

Howell, L. Baker, T. (2018 June 15). Former DV Student Shares Impact of D.V.F.S. Education on her Career. DVFS Website. Posted 06/15/2018 03:16PM