The Principles of Successful Students with Disabilities.

A Statement of Just Cause

by Toby Tomlinson Baker

August 30, 2020

My Why: To create equal access and empower students with disabilities. 

I believe: 

1. Students with disabilities must recognize the need to self-advocate and engage in self advocating every opportunity they can. 

2. Students with disabilities must educate themselves as a means of increasing their power in spite of negativity, discouragement and obstacles that they encounter. 

3. Students with disabilities (SWDs) must persevere and overcome fear of other people and physical obstacles that obstruct their achievement of their goals. 

4. Students with disabilities must exhibit bravery when faced with negativity and obstacles. 

5. Students with disabilities must persevere even when tasks are difficult.

6. Students with disabilities must maintain a positive attitude and outlook. 

7. Students with disabilities must set goals, PLAN carefully to achieve them, remain on course to finish the first step to the final step.

8. Students with disabilities must develop a growth mindset by continuing education and training at every opportunity. They must embrace the notion of not knowing something and cultivate problem-solving skills.

9. Students with disabilities must focus and utilize their skills and abilities. 

10. Students with disabilities must engage in Metacognition (thinking about their thinking) and continue self-development, continuing ongoing education and lifelong learning, sharpening the saw (Covey).

11. Students with disabilities must aim to develop leadership skills in others by leading by example.

It is with these the employment of these 10 principles, developed by a Ph.D. candidate with disabilities that SWDs will increase their education, create equal access for education, and empower students with disabilities.